Conquer Amazon Web Services file transfers with ease

Utilizing a user-friendly point-and-click, drag-and-drop interface, only FileXM eliminates the need for custom code while easily moving files between S3 and EBS, EFS, FSx and Glacier without sacrificing security or lifecycle management.

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You rule with the simple click of your mouse

Save time, money and the sanity of your most loyal subjects (yourself included)

Intuitive point-and-click, drag-and drop interface

FileXM is designed to simplify data processing between idiosyncratic data storage environments across AWS

Installed in your AWS environment

Because FileXM is installed locally, you’ll be in complete control of your environment

A total solution that automates AWS data processing

With built-in security, comprehensive record-keeping, backup and restore capabilities and more, FileXM seamlessly handles your AWS file transfer needs

The most comprehensive solution in all the AWS land

CloudMover MSP360 Explorer S3 Browser ComVault TerraData FileXM
Transfer data between
On-Prem and S3
No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Transfer data between
S3 and Glacier
No Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Archival and restore storage
lifecycle management
Yes No No Yes Yes Yes
Transfer data between
S3 and EBS, EFS FSx
Yes No No No No Yes
Audit trail for all MACDs No No No Yes Yes Yes
IAM based authentication Yes No No No No Yes
Compliance with Amazon
Well architected framework
Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Professional services for customized
and complete solution
Yes No No Yes Yes Yes

Pricing made simple, too

From the premium package to the essentials, whatever you need, FileXM has you covered

Want to try ruling your domain for free for 15 days? Try it out for Free

PLAN Hourly

FileXM AMI needs to be installed at a minimum on a t3.large instance. The AWS EC2 charges are not included and charged separately.


$0.99 USD / Hour

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PLAN Annual

Annual subscription provides unlimited access for one year. The discounted, annual subscription is non-refundable.


$6,699 USD / Year

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PLAN Custom Solution

For customized FileXM subscription using larger AWS EC2 instances, using the AWS Marketplace Private Offer.

Contact FileXM

Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions? We’ve got answers to get you back to ruling your domain in no-time.

1. How can you reassure me that my data is going to remain private?

FileXM is installed in your AWS environment and only you or whoever you give rights to your data has access to the data. FileXM only works with files and does not access the data within your files. Additionally, FileXM encrypts the files and folders as they are moved between different storages.

2. What is the level of tech support provided with purchase?

FileXM comes with installation and configuration steps and direction which are generally straightforward. FileXM support team is also available to help with product installation, configuration and roll-based user-access using AWS IAM setup if needed.

3. Are there any use cases I can review?

FileXM is useful whenever you need to move files between different AWS storage types. Some common uses cases are described in the FileXM Video Link on this page. Additional use cases are described in FileXM Technical Demo.

4. What do I need to do to obtain the free trial?

FileXM landing page at provides option for trying FileXM product free of charge for 15 days. Please note that during the 15 days, you will incur AWS charges for the EC2 and other services. After 15 days, you will be charged the hourly rate unless you cancel and remove the FileXM from your AWS account.

5. If I decide to purchase, how long will it take to get it installed?

Once you run the FileXM CloudFormation script in your existing AWS account, it may take less than 10 minutes to install. Once installed, it may take additional time to configure FileXM based on your specific requirements.

Need additional help?

Contact FileXM Support for questions or concerns Monday through Friday during normal business hours.

May you rule your AWS storage domain into eternity and beyond.

Start Conquering Today
Available now on AWS Marketplace
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